Time to hand-over...

And this in 2006, me and my successor, Ildi, in Brussels for some meetings in the middle of transition!
It is a strange feeling when you realize you are closing a cycle to look behind and see what has happened with your life in the last 12 months and how's going to be from now on.
It is exciting to think at all the future possibilities and it is scary in the same time, as uncertainty is there...You don't know which are the best decisions, you don't know where can you find such good or even better environment to work in, if or when you'll meet the close friends you've made this year...
Dar vorba ceea, o sa fie bine pana la urma:)

In the same time I am happy to see a new generation coming up, full of energy, enthusiasm and ideas...
And even more when 2 of them are Romanians and dear friends:):)
Bine Coco si Gabiza!