Love is all around

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Crazy Amsterdam for Queen's Day

I thought I know how Queen's Day is from last year...I was wrong again...INCREDIBLE number of people in once city in the same time...add up colour (especially orange, of course), music, boats on the canal, beer and beer again, old things to sell, including books (two for 50 cents!) and huge amount of garbage...Although I have to mention an initiative to re-use your plastic cups, and it works, as there is a (small) incentive for people to bring back their used cup...
A unique experience altogether...

With Cornelia at Zanvoort an Zee & Haarlem

I could not agree more that friends should be near you when you most need them...and this is not easy in the world we live in today, so global and changing so fast...That is why we should be grateful when we have the chance to meet some old friends that can help us forget difficult moments and the pain...

Sf. Gheorghe

On my name's day, St. George, that we celebrate on 23rd April, I was very nicely surprised by Sivliu, my dear friend and flat mate with a huge present: a flower for my room!!! How cool is that?! Thank you, Silviu!

Pentru tata...

Copiii nu-nteleg ce vor:
A plânge-i cumintia lor.

Dar lucrul cel mat las în lume
E un bărbat tinguitor.

Nimic nu-i mai de ris ca plinsul
In ochii unui luptător.

O luptă-i viata; deci te luptă
Cu dragoste de ea, cu dor.

Pe seama cui ? Esti un nemernic
Cînd n-ai un tel hotaritor.

Tu ai pe-ai tăi ! De n-ai pe nimeni,
Te lupti pe seama tuturor.

E tragedie-năltătoare
Cînd, biruiti, ostenii mor,

Dar sint eroi de epopee
Când bratul li-e biruitor.

Comediant e cel ce plânge
Si-i un neom, că-i dezertor.

Oricare-ar fi sfirsitul luptei,
Să stai luptind, căci esti dator.

Traiesc acei ce vreau să lupte,
Iar cei fricosi se plâng si mor.

De-i vezi murind, să-i lasi să moară,
Căci moartea e menirea lor.