Love is all around

Thursday, July 17, 2008

From AI Reunion

An open question addressed to the participants of the meeting in Brussels in June: what is the single most important trend in the world today that leaders in every sector need to pay attention to? I liked the answers from Jeremyn Brooks, beautifully displayed on the wall by our facilitators:
1. Climate change
2. Energy crisis
3. Poverty gap
4. Return to nationalism
5. Crisis in democracy
6. Financial crisis

And others triggered from this one: how can we actually manage to solve the current environmental crisis (pressure on natural resources, climate change) and in the same time solve the poverty gap, cover the social needs and the consequent equity issue? Are actually our human endless needs the key to this dilemma...?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

'Forced' reflections

Going recently through a medical intervention I had some moments of reflection... I was thinking how fragile are we, human beings... We think we can achieve many things, we aim high, striving to accomplish these goals and suddenly we realise how life can stop us. And then the next day one simple thing you were taking for granted is not possible anymore... Being aware of these personal limits gives a feeling of weakness, but also, strangely, one of peace, in taking things step by step.

It was not a pleasant process for sure, but I should be grateful for this pause.
Because time goes slower you actually notice and appreciate differently simple daily moments or gestures. This reminded me of the time spent in the Buddhist center at the Zen River, when you slow down and are able to focus on small, simple things and actions that can form a beautiful life. Buddhism has many invitations to reflect on the impermanence of life, but often this can remain at an intellectual level.

I don't have the ability to express the pain that exist in this hospital. And still many people have the courage to smile, to hope that the disease will be defeated, to support each-other and to ask from their heart 'How are you?'...Maybe in difficult moments people are more open to stick with each-other...
People were asking themselves where are all these diseases coming from? And tried to find their own answers... I was thinking at the pollution surrounding us, at the stressed lives we have and maybe at the connection with our heart, that can become ill also, when we are angry, selfish and indifferent about others.